Graditude Project
The distorted image of the present lies hidden between humanity's utopian thinking and the sorrowful longing for the nostalgic past. When the present and the future become uncertain, we seek solace in the past. This is what leads to the development of our distorted relationship with the present, which can be a source of immense tension. Nowadays, we often fail to appreciate the present. Many times, we feel that what we have at the moment is not good enough. I was born in Germany to a Hungarian family. This experience is a constant companion; in Germany, I feel Hungarian, and in Hungary, I feel German. In my series titled "Unheimlich," I depict the grotesque characteristics of our era based on my own feelings. I do this through the photography of various constructed situations. In my masterpiece, I transform these grotesque images, combining my shifted identity and nostalgic feelings tied to my childhood, with my visions for the future.
Fällt ein Engel freiwillig, wenn er sich im Himmel nicht mehr heimisch fühlt?
Wie schmecken eigentlich ungarische Erinnerungen in Deutschland?
Warum lässt es sich mit lila Samt besser in Zitronen beißen?
Was haben die überhaupt in Strumpfhosen zu suchen?
Wieso kratzt der Kopf an meinen Fingernägeln und wie sehen die eigentlich aus?
Gegossene Gedanken lassen Groteskes wachsen und Unheimliches erblühen.
Words by Bernd Rosinski
The distorted image of the present lies hidden between humanity's utopian thinking and the sorrowful longing for the nostalgic past. When the present and the future become uncertain, we seek solace in the past. This is what leads to the development of our distorted relationship with the present, which can be a source of immense tension. Nowadays, we often fail to appreciate the present. Many times, we feel that what we have at the moment is not good enough. I was born in Germany to a Hungarian family. This experience is a constant companion; in Germany, I feel Hungarian, and in Hungary, I feel German. In my series titled "Unheimlich," I depict the grotesque characteristics of our era based on my own feelings. I do this through the photography of various constructed situations. In my masterpiece, I transform these grotesque images, combining my shifted identity and nostalgic feelings tied to my childhood, with my visions for the future.